Sunday, January 25, 2009

Who we are...An introduction

Now that I am figuring this blogging thing out, I guess I should add some more info about the family. After all, the title is Sims-Party of 4 (and one crazy dog!). I am Lisa, the manager of this blog (and sometimes the family). I teach special education at our local high school. Most days I love my job. Not so much right now though, as we are knee deep (or other body parts...use your imagination) in TAKS prep now that the New Year has begun. Oh the joys of standardized testing!

My dear husband,D will look at the blog, maybe read some of it, but will otherwise not be interested, unless of course I mention something about his trail runs, 5Ks, or something similar. He has a good friend that he enjoys running great distances with and for that I am thankful. (Since I can't figure out how to work this picture thing, you can see them in the picture above, he's the one in shorts.) They were checking out the trails on the day before their last race.

We have a son, Z who is almost 21 years old and a junior at Texas A&M University. He is getting his masters degree in accounting with economics as his minor. He has always been a joy to us and we so look forward to watching him continue to mature and grow into a wonderful young man with a very bright future. (He's the one up there with the elephant, it's an Aggie thing!) (Memo to self...figure out how to get pictures loaded where they should logically appear!)

We were also blessed with our 13 year old daughter, B. Raising a girl is so different from raising a boy, but we wouldn't change a thing. She keeps us young, to say the least. She is very active in sports and other activities at her middle school. Too much so in my opinion, because with all of her practices and after school activities, her youth group activities at church have been neglected. But, her basketball season is almost over and she is not trying out for cheerleader again, so she will soon have time to get back into her church activities. (She's the beautiful one up there all dressed up as a homecoming queen nominee.)

Now on to the "crazy dog." Jade is our 4 year old pit/boxer mix that we adopted from the animal shelter. She was supposed to be mastiff/boxer mix, but sometimes things aren't what they seem. While I wouldn't have set out to adopt a pit bull, I am so glad we did by accident. She is a wonderful dog, but boy is she crazy. She has several different "phobias" that I am sure will be a part of future posts. (She's the furry one up top!)

I guess you are probably wondering where my picture is...good question! I am usually the one behind the camera so they are few and far between. So the best I have offer right now is our Christmas picture! And that is us...Sims-Party of 4 (and one crazy dog!)

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Waiting and waiting...then waiting some more

When I watched the Oprah Show back in November and first saw the Amazon Kindle, I was intrigued. I had a hard time deciding if I wanted to spend that kind of money for an e-reader. Finally, after researching and talking to Kindle owners, I decided to take the plunge and order my very own Kindle! Imagine my shock when the estimated ship date in my confirmation email was listed as February 23-March 5th! I am NOT a patient person, so that was a very scary thought. I reasoned surely it won't take that long. Amazon is just be overly cautious with their ship times. Etc. Etc. Etc. Well, it's been a month now, and February is creeping dangerously close...still no Kindle! I check my shipping status AT LEAST twice a day and no change...ever...So, I keep waiting and waiting...and waiting some more! Did I mention that I am not a patient person? Amazon, I want my Kindle...NOW.
I'm just saying...

Sunday, January 18, 2009

First Time Blogging

Well, it's only taken me about one hour to get to this point! I have this blog semi set up and it looks so pitiful without a post, so here is my first ever blog posting...ta da! It is only 1:26 am here in my corner of the world. Why, oh why do I decide to do things like this around midnight? Maybe after a good night's sleep I can figure this whole blogging thing out! Goodnight!