Saturday, April 11, 2009

Family Tree

Don't you just love it when your kiddo comes home with some type of homework that requires parental participation? Heavy parental participation? Well, for the long weekend B was assigned to complete her family tree as far back as she could go. For us overly obsessive moms that means until we can't stand it anymore! D and I have talked to parents and one aunt trying to go back to the great-great-great-great grandparents. Now here it is 1:00 am in Texas and I am "surfed out" from looking at death records and marriage records. But, I think I may have found a new hobby! Did you know that some cemeteries have pictures of all their gravestones and with just a little information you can pull up all sorts of neat info? Though I have complained (more than once) about this homework assignment, I have really enjoyed the hunt. I have learned things about my relatives that I did not even know. If your interested in this type of thing is a good place to start.

This long weekend also has me thinking that summer is only 6 weeks away! Yessssss! As a public school teacher, I really enjoy my summer time. Now I am thinking about summer vacations. I would love to go on another cruise, but since we are following Dave Ramsey's baby steps in order to be debt-free (can't wait!) we will probably not be doing anything major this year. Oh, how I would love to board that Royal Caribbean Voyager of the Seas again and set sail to the most beautiful beaches in the world! However, I know that those beaches will still be there next summer and they will be so much more fun when we are totally DEBT-FREE! How will you spend your summer?

I just realized that I have not yet posted anything about the "crazy dog" in our life. Here's a picture to show her craziness until I get around to telling some of her funny stories. Have a great Easter!

By the way, thank you to Keri for telling me how to move my pictures around on the blog!

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